Creativity Prompt
Think about an old friend or family member you’ve lost touch with. Why did it happen?
Storyteller Profile: Jamar Nicholas
Jamar Nicholas, a cartoonist and graphic novelist from Philadelphia, PA, kicks off his third decade of making comics with us by talking about his analog storytelling arsenal. Back in 1997, Jamar began self-publishing comics to an email list of approximately 100 people – today, his comic strip Detective Boogaloo (printed in Metro) has roughly 4 million readers a month. With all of his time spent drawing comics, editing drafts, illustrating and adapting stories, Jamar never gets tired of good old paper and pen.
Storyteller Profile: Chantel Vereen
notebooks Profile sketchbooks writing
Chantel Vereen is a Senior Professional Writing Major at York College of Pennsylvania. She is involved with almost every campus group or activity imaginable, and can be found writing on paper all the time—from lists, to short blurbs and quotes, and long, drawn-out stories. We wanted to talk to her about her story, and how using analog tools helps her writing processes.
Storyteller Profile: Alyssa Francisco
Alyssa Francisco is a writer and artist with Cerebral Palsy. She sketches with graphite and colored pencils and creates watercolor pieces. We caught up with Alyssa to talk with her about how she uses analog tools to tell her story. SSC: So, what’s your story? FRANCISCO: I am an aspiring artist and blogger, and I also happen to be disabled. One day I hope to open an online shop selling artwork and maybe even write a book just to see where it takes me. Maybe my next adventure will be to go back to school and get a photography degree....
Mike Hawthorne Signing!
On September 24th from 1pm-3pm, Mike Hawthorne, lead artist for Marvel’s Deadpool series, will be signing for his new line of sketchbooks at the Art Store located on 29E King St, in Lancaster, PA. Don’t forget to snag your very own, limited edition, two pack as part of our new “Working Artist” collection, featuring Hawthorne’s original artwork on each cover for only $14. With the sale of each set, we'll donate a sketchbook to kids in underserved areas. Come join the SSC crew and check out Hawthorne’s incredible artwork!